The Benefits & Beauty of Decaf!

What would the reason be to switch to decaf?
There are several reasons why you might want to switch to decaf, caffeine affects us in very different ways. The most common reasons to make the change is Pregnancy, sensitivity, and the need for a good night’s sleep.
So, are there health benefits, or is it actually bad for you to drink decaf?
Back in the day (and still sometimes today), methylene chloride or ethyl acetate was used to remove caffeine from coffee, Methylene chloride can be used as a paint stripper and a degreaser, hence the bad name of decaf. However, all the decaf sold by The little bean co. is decaffeinated using the Swiss Water Method, a completely natural way of removing caffeine, hence it’s completely harmless.
There are several health benefits from drinking coffee (with and without caffeine) but decaf on its own has been shown to cause significantly less acid reflux than regular coffee and drinking two or more cups of decaf coffee per day has also been linked with up to a 48% lower risk of developing rectal cancer.
Switching completely from caffeinated coffee to decaf might not be necessary but adding decaf into your coffee routine to lower your caffeine intake might be a good idea as excess caffeine may overwhelm the central nervous system, cause restlessness, anxiety, digestive problems, heart arrhythmia or trouble sleeping in sensitive individuals.
Coffee whilst being pregnant
Additionally, pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to limit their caffeine intake, the NHS recommend limiting your caffeinated coffee intake to 1 cup a day whilst pregnant as too much caffeine is not good for the foetus.
What does the Swiss Water Method mean?
Swiss Water Decaf is 99.9% free from caffeine, the caffeine is filtered out from the coffee beans by applying water pressure and exerting the caffeine into carbon. It’s a complete natural and organic process and leaves the coffee with all of its flavour profile intact but without any caffeine. Green coffee is shipped from all across the coffee growing countries to Canada where the decaffeination process takes place. After it’s been decaffeinated it’s shipped, still in its green coffee state, to roasters across the globe.
Does the coffee taste any good?
When decaf tastes as good as caffeinated coffee then it’s not really a big deal to make the change. Many of the coffees from Decadent Decaf are winners of the Great Taste Award and when the Daily Mail did a taste test of the decafs available in the UK market, Decadent Decaf was the only coffee that received 5 out 5 stars in the taste test, I think that tells you the level of quality that Decadent Decaf provides.
Decadent Decaf has raving reviews and it’s really on the forefront of the decaf revolution in Europe and continuously breaking down misconceptions about decaf coffee.